lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

My feelings

I don’t know how I feel. Am I sad or am I happy? I know that I am very confused. Sometimes I am so happy but other only I wanna cry and cry.
Yesterday I was in my bedroom and I started to cry. I didn’t know why only I wanted to cry and I cried.
The day before yesterday, I was in the pool and I felt happy. I was laughing and smiling with my friends. I had a great time. When I am with my friends, I am always happy. Sometimes when I am with them, I feel like I miss them. Next year I’ll miss them so much.
The problem arrives when I am alone. I start to think in a lot of things which happened last year. I remember my friends, my teachers and I remember her. Then I start to think in how much I am going to miss them and my tears fall across my cheeks.
I’m tired of cry. I don’t cry for bad moments, I cry for good moments. They make me feel sad because I know that I never could recover them and that is what makes me cry.
Someday I’ll forget all and I feel happy again, but now I’m happy too because I have the best memories of my life.
My question is: What are my feelings? Am I happy or sad?
The answer is easy, I cry, yes but I cry of happiness.

2 comentarios:

  1. Uooooooooo Lauritaa. Tiene un lado "poético" que me gusta. Se te esta pegando de mi jajajaja. Llores por lo que llores es bueno llorar asi que nunca esta de más echar algunas tears.

    1. Muchas gracias Mire :) He aprendido de la mejor. Sabes te tengo que agradecer que me engancharas a esto :)
